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April Gardening Tips from the Expert. | Farmhouse Table Company

April Gardening Tips from the Expert.

Professional Garden Designer Sally Watts shares her top gardening tips for April.

Garden designer Sally Watts has shared with us some top tips for keeping your garden in check this April. Sally is a Professional Garden Designer who has been featured in national magazines for her fabulous work on plots throughout the country.

For more tips and inspiration go to her website:

Read her Article Below.

April- keep smiling and carry on!

If we can’t have holidays and nights out lets have beautiful gardens!

Gardening is a great way to look after our physical and mental health, so get out into the fresh air and enjoy pottering in the garden.


Finish pruning Dogwoods and Willows grown for their colourful stems.

Cotinus coggyria (smoke bush) and Sambucus (elder), are well known for their colourful foliage. The brightest and best foliage is to be found on new stems. So for the most impact, prune a full grown specimen hard now to encourage new foliage or if the plant still needs to fill its allotted space, leave some of the shoots un-pruned to allow the plant to grow larger without compromising on colourful foliage.

When the lovely Japanese quince and shocking yellow forsythia flowers are over you can cut the flowered side shoots back to 2 to 3 buds so that they flower well next year. If you are training a quince or forsythia against a wall, then tie in as many shoots as you need to fill in gaps and then prune all the flowered shoots to one or two buds from their growing point.

Renovate overgrown and badly shaped evergreen shrubs this month.

Young leaves can be damaged by a range of pests especially in spring and early summer. Look out for Viburnum beetle showing lace-like feeding damage that turns brown on many Viburnums. Larvae are creamy yellow with black markings and feed between April and June. Pick off larvae or spray plants in early spring with insecticide.


If you didn’t prune your lavenders after they had flowered last summer, do so now. Using secateurs or shears remove spent flower spikes and stems just above where new growth has appeared. Do not cut right down where stems have no growth as you may kill the plant.

To keep lavenders neat and not straggly its best to prune immediately after flowering has finished in late summer and before the flower heads have gone brown. This then allows the plant to put on growth before the winter and you will often have a second flush of flower spikes. Trim again in spring as above to neaten up the plant and keep compact.


Feed roses to ensure lots of flowers this summer. Scatter granula fertiliser around the base of the rose or blood, fish and bone and work in the feed and water if there is no rain.


April sees your clematis beginning to really grow away. Give them a helping hand by tying in the first shoots and from there on in they should clamber quite happily. If they begin to encroach on other plants you may need to divert them back to a cane or official support.


Continue to remove faded daffodil and tulip flowers, nipping off the heads and seed pod at the same time to stop the plants expending their energy into seed production.

Plant summer flowering bulbs such as lilies and gladioli in flower beds or pots. If you have gaps in the garden during the summer it is always handy to fill the space with pots that you can move around.

Herbaceous Perennials

Continue to lift and divide herbaceous perennials that are overcrowded or have been flowering poorly last year.

With all the wet weather we have had, protect soft foliage such as hostas from slugs and snails.

Start to give agapanthus a liquid feed every week or so, try liquid seaweed or tomato feed.

Herbaceous perennials infested with couch grass and other perennial weeds should be lifted so the roots of the weeds can be removed.


Resume mowing the lawn if you haven’t already done so on a weekly basis. If it is left to grow too long it will be much harder to cut back. Keep the blades set high to begin with.


It is time to attend to any pots or tubs that are planted up with perennials or shrubs. Scrape off as much of the top layers of compost as you can without damaging the root structure. Replace the compost with fresh compost along with a dash of slow release fertiliser and start increasing the amount of water given.

Hoe borders to prevent annual and perennial weeds from spreading and seeding and add a layer of mulch if you haven’t already done so. Use organic matter, such as well rotted manure, garden compost or wood chippings, to a depth of 2-4 inches. This will help retain moisture, supress weeds and improve soil texture.

Keep safe, stay at home and enjoy working in your garden!