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Dining table with red legs in a Christmas environment

3 Reasons why you may need a new Dining Table this Christmas 2023

Every year you may have the difficult choice of who to invite for the big day. But there are always the regulars and so here’s my little guide to highlight some areas that may make you think it’s finally worth an upgrade.  

The Space

When it comes to seating extra people during festive family fug ups we resort to unpacking camping tables or dragging in a rickety oval gate-leg table and gingerly placing them at either end of the main table. Of course they’re not all the same height, and when the table cloth goes on, all of a sudden you have your own 1st 2nd and 3rd podium. In third place you have Uncle Bert who kicks the light weight camping table, sending port glasses flying, Old Auntie Gene is miles away in second place on the end of the oval table, can’t hear a thing and nothing gets passed back. Leaving 1st place VIP’s with elbows pressed to torso’s holding cutlery like pencils. Maybe enough is enough this year and you’re finally ready to do Burt and Gene justice or, you soldier on for another year of organised chaos!

Extendable dining table with green legs

The Look.

Don’t we all love the look of a freshly decorated Christmas table? What is a slight pity is that most people are ashamed of their scruffy dining table so they cover it up with table cloths and bed sheets! The decorating then becomes slightly less enthusiastic resulting in remnants of the Christmas tree decorations being tipped down the centre of the table, a candle here and there and finally no care whatsoever in the final placement of the all important Christmas cracker. If you’ve got a surface to be proud of, you’ll go the extra mile to show it off. Your creative juices will start flowing and before you know it you’re outside collecting greenery, glitter spraying fern cones, making artisanal name tags and really starting to show off. So, if you love being a fancy pants and showing off beautiful creations and going the extra mile, make sure you have a beautiful starting point, a table top to be proud of.

Table top layer up for breakfast

The Party

The days may have gone seeing uncle Burt and old Aunt Gene breaking out the Can-can on the Christmas table whilst down wind of several sherry’s. That doesn’t mean to say younger generations can’t take their place. We initially made our tables to dance on, they had to be strong, stiletto proof, rock solid and the ultimate dinner dance podium was born. A platform for all ages, weights and sizes for River Dance to breakdance. So take a good look at your table, give it a wobble and if you want to avoid an unsightly mess on the floor then just give us a call.

This season, give yourself a present that keeps on giving - a dining table you can be proud of instead of covering up! Let visions of matching heights, spacious seating, and limitless style dance in your head as you deck your new dining table with new found creativity. God bless the Ikea table, it’s done you proud, but now may be the time to upgrade and take your entertaining to another level. 


Cutoff for guaranteed Christmas delivery will be in October this year. So please don’t leave it too late. Your colours can be confirmed later so don’t let this hold you back.




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